EventsNews Liège meets Aachen! To promote the exchange between science and industry, Mr. Albert T. Haugg regularly gives lectures…Admin13.11.2023
News New terminals in production! "Digital transformation" - The economy is changing and does not stop at Haugg. Therefore, in…Admin27.09.2023
NewsNews AVA turns 60! As you already know, this year AVA celebrates its 60th anniversary! The initial history of…Admin25.09.2023
EventsNews Social Day Aachen! On September 8, the time had finally come: 14 participating companies and their employees were…Admin18.09.2023
EventsNews Albert T. Haugg at conference in Detroit! During the “Thermal Management for EV/HEV US 2023” conference in Detroit, our CEO Mr. Albert…Admin14.09.2023
News A. T. Haugg in podcast! Our CEO Albert Thomas Haugg shares his insights into thermal engineering, talks about his journey…Admin04.09.2023
EventsNews Giradia! We welcome the french radiator repair association GIRADIA to Aachen, the city of coronations in…Admin11.05.2023
EventsNews ECS! On this week’s ECS (Engineering Center Steyr) Simulation Conference in Linz, Austria, our CEO Mr.…Admin09.05.2023
EventsNewsno category Easter eggs coloring! With children of our colleagues, Easter eggs were dyed for the first time last Saturday…Admin05.04.2023