Since the end of February, we have had the fully electric e.GO in our fleet. This electric vehicle, developed and produced in Aachen, is available to the company during the day as a pool vehicle for city trips and is also used by Wolfgang Haugg for commuting.
It is charged with “green” electricity both at the company and at home. The autonomy is about 120km and is thus sufficient for all trips in the city area. The experience of the first weeks is positive. The comfort is spartan, but it fits for the short distances. Its agility brings driving pleasure. Even more so when you consider the relatively low price, thanks to government subsidies and the resulting low leasing rate. In addition, the car is free of vehicle tax for 10 years and there is no maintenance book as with the “combustion engine”. Energy is recovered through the engine brake, which gives an incentive to change one’s driving style.
Test drives can be arranged at e.GO – in the immediate vicinity of our company.