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When companies from #Aachen join forces...

On September 8, the time had finally come: 14 participating companies and their employees were active on #SocialDayAachen 2023 – including our company HAUGG.

Throughout Aachen, projects from great Oecher initiatives💛🖤, such as Talentschmiede e.V. – Mit Rückenwind in deine Zukunft, #UnicefAachenHochschulgruppe, Werkstatt der Kulturen Aachen, #RonaldMcDonaldHaus, Inklusiv Wohnen Aachen e.V., everwave community e.V., First Generation Aachen e.V., Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen, #BüchelGarten, #AachenerNetzwerkfürhumanitäreHilfe, #SEKMüll, #Querbeet, Aachener Tafel E.V. with #BiolandGauchel, #MobileJugendarbeitHerzogenrath and #städtischeKinderundJugendhilfeStreiffelderHof, ira e.V., Lebenshilfe Aachen FeD GmbH implemented 💪💡 and thus sprayed a lot of #home love. For this project, togetherness was particularly important, pulling together and actively taking responsibility for our #home region. Together we are simply more.